Take Action To Safeguard Your Identity and Information
Fraud Tip

Learn about recent imposter scams.

  • How to identify
  • How to protect yourself
  • How to report a scam
Identity Theft Prevention

Identity thieves try to acquire your personal information in order to impersonate you and wreak havoc with your finances. If you believe your identity has been stolen, report it to authorities.

  • Contact all creditors by phone or in writing
  • Report the theft to your local police department
  • Call the fraud units of each of the three major credit bureaus
Card Fraud Prevention

With so many ways to use your credit and debt cards to make purchases, it's vital to protect your cards, private information and accounts as much as possible.

  • Always report lost or stolen cards immediately upon discovery
  • Don’t lend your card to anyone
  • Never write PIN codes on your card, or keep it in your wallet
Palm Vein Authentication and Identification Security

Protecting your identity and personal financial information is a top priority for us. We have two in-branch methods to quickly and securely authenticate your identity.

  • ID Scanning
  • Palm Vein Authentication
Internet Security

The internet is a great place to do business and get information. But it's also a place where you are at risk for fraud and identity theft.

  • Review your account activity regularly to detect fraud earlier
  • Use secure passwords that contain a mix of upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters like #, $, or *
  • Never share your personal information with anybody who contacts you by telephone or e-mail
Privacy Statement

Protecting your personal and financial information is important to us, and we take the steps necessary to safeguard that information.

  • Access codes for Online Banking
  • Send secure messages to us via Online Banking
  • Software firewalls prevent unauthorized use